
When using the keyboard, the speech-to-text function lets you speak what you want to enter instead of typing it.

Step 1. With the keyboard pulled up, click on the microphone icon and speak the text you want to enter. The icon will turn red when your voice is being captured.

Step 2. When you are done speaking, click on the microphone icon again to stop capturing your voice. You’ll notice the icon will turn from red to gray and the words you spoke will appear in the text field.

When using the keyboard, the speech-to-text function lets you speak what you want to enter instead of typing it.

Step 1. With the keyboard pulled up, click on the microphone icon and speak the text you want to enter. The icon will turn red when your voice is being captured.

Step 2. When you are done speaking, click on the microphone icon again to stop capturing your voice. You’ll notice the icon will turn from red to gray and the words you spoke will appear in the text field.

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