Menu overview

Flipside's main entry point into its menus is through the main menu, which can be opened and closed by pressing the A or X button on your controller.

Flipside's main entry point into its menus is through the main menu, which can be opened and closed by pressing the A or X button on your controller.


You're presented with the dashboard each time you launch Flipside, and you can recall it at any time from the main menu.

The dashboard provides quick access to the assets you used the last time you were in Flipside, as well as notifications such as multiplayer invites, and a list of your friends who are also online.

The dashboard includes the following sections:

  • Navigation on the left
    • Home tab
    • Settings tab
  • Recently-used assets
    • Last-opened project
    • Recent recordings
    • Last-used character
    • Last-used set
  • Notifications
  • Who's online


Each submenu in Flipside is implemented as a floating panel.

These panels give you access to all aspects of Flipside, such as accessing your motion capture recordings, projects, characters, and more.

Each panel is broken down into the following sections, from top to bottom:

  • Menu title and navigation (back, close)
  • Section title
  • Menu content
  • Pagination
  • Sorting and categories
  • Additional options

The main panel categories such as characters and sets can only be opened one at a time in order to reduce clutter. Other menus such as help and show tools like the teleprompter controller can stay open alongside each other.

Next: Dashboard

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