Full-body tracking

Note: Full-body tracking is only supported on SteamVR in combination with HTC Vive or Valve Index base stations at this time.

To track your full body, Flipside supports HTC's Vive Trackers or compatible trackers. These are used to provide additional tracking points for your feet and hips.

The following configurations are supported:

  • 2 Vive Trackers: Feet
  • 3 Vive Trackers: Feet and waist

To use the trackers, you will need to strap or clip them to your feet and waist. We recommend the Rebuff Reality Trackstrap for foot straps.

Positioning the trackers

Foot trackers should be worn on the tops of your feet, and should fit reasonably snugly to avoid shaking when you take steps.

The waist tracker should be clipped to your belt or pants, either on the front or back, and in the middle of your body.

Using the trackers

Once you have your Vive Trackers paired to your Vive system, turn them on and attach them to your body. You should see a green light on each tracker when it is ready.

Before using the trackers, you must assign them to the correct parts in the Vive Tracker Manager. You can reach this screen in two ways:

1. Right-click on the tracker icon in the SteamVR window and choose Manage Vive Tracker, then under the Controllers section choose Manage Vive Trackers.

Manage Vive Tracker via right-click

2. Click on the hamburger settings button in the SteamVR window and choose Settings from the dropdown. In the settings window, make sure that Controllers is selected in the sections on the left then choose Manage Vive Trackers.

Manage Vive Trackers via settings

Next, Launch Flipside and select the Characters palette. Grab the palette and turn it upside down. Press the Connect Trackers button on the underside of the palette and follow the calibration instructions.

Controller to Manage Vive Trackers

Once you are in the tracker manager, use the Identify Tracker button to make the green light blink on each tracker. Go through and assign the desired tracker to each location (left foot, right foot, waist) as needed. Once they're assigned, the system will remember each time you start up so it's also a good idea to label which tracker maps to each body part.

Identify trackers

Next, launch Flipside and select the Characters menu. Click the Calibrate button along the bottom of the menu and follow the calibration instructions. With the trackers assigned, it will use them in the calibration process and they will start working after you finish calibrating.

You should now be able to use the Vive trackers for full-body motion capture. If your tracker settings haven't changed between sessions, you can skip the SteamVR steps and jump straight into Flipside to calibrate and go.

Next: Puppeteering

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