
Attaching a ColliderElement to any Collider (Box Collider, Sphere Collider, etc.) in your scene lets you trigger Unity events on the following interactions:

  • OnEnter - Do something when an object enters the collider's volume.
  • OnEnterLocalOnly - Do something when an object enters the collider's volume, but don't sync over multiplayer. Useful for things like haptic feedback.
  • OnExit - Do something when an object exits the collider's volume.
  • OnExitLocalOnly - Do something when an object exits the collider's volume, but don't sync over multiplayer. Useful for things like haptic feedback.

You can also limit whether the events on a ColliderElement should trigger for Everything, only a user's Hands, only a user's Index Finger, a specific Object List, or only objects with a Custom Tag (see CustomTag below), to create larger or more fine-grained interactions.

ColliderElement component

Next: CustomTag

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